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Forum Kritische Archäologie


Focus and Scope

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Interest in the political dimensions of archaeology has grown dramatically around the world. One of the outcomes has been a questioning of archaeological truth claims, which in turn has led to demands for the return of cultural property, questioning who may research, speak and write about the past of Others, and considerations of what kinds of relations we can and should develop to past Others. Today it is scarcely possible to speak about an ethically based, socially responsible archaeology without engaging with these themes.

Forum Kritische Archäologie has as its goal to further discussions of these and related issues, especially within the framework of the German-speaking archaeological community.

The journal takes as its purview issues associated with a developing critical archaeology. We use the term critical archaeology in two ways. On the one hand, it refers to critiques of ideology and discourse analyses, as practiced in the social sciences and in literary studies, that include critiques of androcentrism, heteronormativity, and colonial discourse. On the other hand, critical archaeology refers to the development of new, theoretically informed scenarios for interpreting the past. A critical approach understands all cultural products, including archaeological interpretations and the writing of history, as ideological and politically shaped constructions. Objectivity, including at the level of "pure" description, simply does not exist.

As scholars we are responsible for engaging in continual reflection on the fundamental basis of our disciplines and for continually casting a critical eye on research results, with particular attention to how they are produced and shaped within the contemporary late capitalist and postcolonial world. This forms the basis of a critical engagement with the disciplines of archaeology.

In order to be able to identify and problematize the interests that underlie our work as archaeologists, we require a reflexive approach to archaeological praxis, from the planning of excavations to their analysis and interpretation, as well as critical analyses of the scholarly products of our research and their reception by others. By scholarly products we refer to written and illustrated works, such as articles and books, but also exhibitions and various kinds of presentations in the internet.

Forum Kritische Archäologie offers a platform for discussion of these issues. Contributions engage critically with existing interpretations within archaeological discourse as well as with archaeological practice and the formulation of research questions. We set neither temporal nor geographical limits to the contributions we publish. All archaeologies, from Paleolithic studies to archaeology of the contemporary period, are equally welcome.

Editorial Collective

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Advisory Board

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Abar, Aydin
Institut für Archäologien, Universität Innsbruck

D'Anna, Maria Bianca
Institut für Vorderasiatische Archäologie, Freie Universität Berlin

Davidovic-Walther, Antonia
Frankfurt am Main

Dezhamkhooy, Maryam

Durgun, Pinar
Morgan Museum and Library (NY)

Gramsch, Alexander
Römisch-Germanische Kommission

Hahn, Hans Peter
Institut für Ethnologie, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt a.M.

Hamilakis, Yannis
Brown University, Rhode Island

Hofmann, Kerstin P.
Römisch-Germanische Kommission

Holtorf, Cornelius
School of Cultural Sciences, Linnaeus University (Kalmar, Sweden)

Huber, Barbara
Max-Planck-Institut für Geoanthropologie

Jung, Matthias
Institut für Grundlagen der Gesellschaftswissenschaften, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt a.M.

Jauss, Carolin

von Rüden, Constance
Institut für Archäologische Wissenschaften
Ruhr-Universität Bochum


ISSN: 2194-346X